Harry Marvin in Regalia
Harry Marvin, Tlingit name Naw-wae-ya, Kaagwaantaan, Kóok Hít (Box House) was born December 10, 1902 in Hoonah. His father was John Marvin (born November 15, 1871 in Lisianski Territory) and his mother was Lilly Pratt (born September 10, 1891 in Hoonah). His first marriage was to Amy Fawcett. His second marriage was to Katherine Marvin.
He was a commercial fisherman until his retirement in 1975, and president of the Mount Fairweather dance group from Hoonah, AK. During World War II he was a master sergeant of the Alaska Territorial Guard.
He was tribal leader of the Kagawanton clan, Eagle moiety. He was also a member of the Russian Orthodox Church. Harry Marvin was a member of the ANB Camp No. 12, where he served as vice-president, treasurer and on the council. He was a respected culture bearer.
From Haa Tuwunaagu Yis, for Healing Our Spirit: Tlingit Oratory: “Harry Marvin. He died in the mid 1970s while dancing with the Hoonah Mt. Fairweather Dancers during a performance in Juneau for the First Americans Emphasis Week. He was featured at various times in Alaska Magazine and in the Alaska Georgraphic book on Southeast Alaska.”
Harry Marvin died March 10, 1978 in Juneau.