Dauenhauer Recordings
Dauenhauer Recordings
Nora Marks Dauenhauer, of Yakutat and Tlingit heritage, along with her husband Richard Dauenhauer, recorded hundreds of personal narratives during the 1960s to the 1980s. Nora was one of a group of Tlingit women who undertook language revitalization during the same period. The collection consists of interviews with Tlingit language speakers in Alaska. The bulk of the recordings were made between 1960s to the 1980s, some in the 1950s, a few are copies of field recordings made by Frederica de Laguna (1950s) and John Swanton (1904). Through personal narratives, songs, and stories, these tradition bearers impart knowledge about inter-tribal relationships and relationships with outside communities, economic life, medicine, fishing, religious expression, and other aspects of community life.